London delivery

London delivery Smith's Catering delivers to your doorstep, designated front office, or any other convenient place. Furthermore, all our vehicles are routinely and thoroughly cleaned. Delivery - FAQOrder: 48 hours notice required by 12:00 noon, 2 working days before the event. For example, order Friday for Tuesday deliveriesHot fork requirements: You will...

covid-19 London

Following the UK Government’s most recent response to Coronavirus (COVID-19), We would like to take this opportunity to let you know what we're doing in response. We have put measures in place to keep delivering an uninterrupted daily and weekly catering services when you may need us the most, and...

New year’s resolution for healthy eating

10 New year's resolution for healthy eating in 2020 According to YouGov this time last year, only one in five Brits planned to make New Year’s resolutions. Apparently, the least likely to do so were the over-50s. Why is this? Could it be the over-50s have accomplished all they set...

how office catering help

How to Maintain Energy in the Workplace & How Office Catering Help and h Would you go to bed at 4 in the morning when you have to start work at 9? How about downing six pints at lunchtime when you have to work all afternoon? Probably not, right? Not...